Shop Signs of Graz

I just can't walk past a nice old shop sign without taking a picture so here are a few I took last summer in the Austrian city of Graz which by the way is an absolutley beautiful city and well worth... More


The simplest ideas are often the best, like this Fahrradabstellplatz (place for leaving your bike). I remember those from when i was a kid but I hadn't seen one for quite some time and I'm sure the metal rings are... More

Haus des Lehrers

As you may well be aware, I do love a good socialist mosaic and have been an admirer of artist Walter Womacka for quite some time now. More


I can't believe I've been going to Frankfurt for almost 15 years but have only just discovered the Kleinmarkthalle More

I've come to claim my town back....

'Ohhh, that's an unusal name' I hear quite often, especially here in the UK. So a couple of years ago I visited the town where I guess one my ancestors must have come from More

Johannes XXIII

As far as churches go, this one has to be up there with the most unusual ones, actually it's up there with the most unusual buildings full stop and an absolute MUST for every Brutalist lover.


Great Timing

We're taking to this countryside living like a duck to water. 

We now have a oil-powered combination bolier and the first rule of oil boilers is: Do NOT run out of oil. 

We've run out of oil. 


Haus Esters Haus Lange

I've been driving past the sign on the Autobahn so many times I thought next time I go to Germany to see my parents I'll definitely have to check them out. So when I went last week I finally managed... More

Black Forest Church

It's very rare that I go past a church without popping in to have a little look inside, you never quite know what to expect. Well, with old catholic ones you kinda do, there's always loads of bling.  So when... More

Baywatch - East German Style

This summer I went on a little road trip to the East German Baltic Sea, an area of Germany I have not been to before (although I went on holiday to the West German part when I was a kid but... More

More Friendly Hydrants

A few years ago I took a picture of a friendly painted hydrant in the Black Forest, well it turns out that painting hydrants is a bit of a thing in the Schwarzwald. Here are a couple more (lady) hydrants... More


It simply wouldn't be Christmas in Germany (and apparenly Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, Norway and Ukraine too) without 'Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel' being shown on TV, the two belong together like Christmas Markets and Glühwein. More


How on earth did I not know about these before?

I only recently saw these amazing 'Angie' lemon squeezers



Lenbachhaus is one of those small but perfectly formed museums of the world. More


Bastei is definitely amongst my favourite buildings in Cologne but unfortunately I've not yet managed to see the inside. More

Beauty is in the detail

Beauty is in the detail and there were some magnificent details in the Albrechtsburg in Meissen.  More

Two Debbies

When I saw this very nicely made puppet in Germany this summer I immediately thought, crikey, it's Debbie McGee. More