10% OFF for a few days
I'm away for a few days and no orders will be posted out until Tuesday the 1st of April. To make up for this small inconvenience, I'm automatically taking 10% OFF all orders of £25.00 and above.


How on earth did I not know about these before!

I only recently saw the amazing 'Angie' lemon squeezers in the Lenbachhaus in Munich where they were part of an incredible installation by Hans-Peter Feldman called “Laden 1975–2015”.

To quote the Lenbachhaus website: 'Feldmann opened a store in central Düsseldorf in 1975, initially dealing mostly in antique technologies: nautical implements, photography equipment, geodesist’s tools, and vintage toys. In the 1980s, he added collectibles and souvenirs, including many articles that were not available anywhere else. The business did so well that Feldmann withdrew from the art world for a decade to devote all his energy to the shop. After forty years, Feldmann is now closing his store to transform the entire undertaking into a work of art that he has decided to entrust to the Lenbachhaus'. 

Apparently the 'Angie Zitronenpresse' was quite the thing amongst German politicians back in 2010 so needless to say (although a little late) I have ordered one for myself. I just hope it will arrive in time for Christmas.